She Dances like No-one is Watching......

This child of mine constantly amazes me. She is so feisty, smart & funny. Honestly she doesn't talk alot but when she does she is usually naughty, telling me what to do, screeching at her sisters or being a clown!!! Today I had a fight with her about what she was going to wear??!! Can you believe that. All of 2 1/2 going off as she wanted to wear a pretty (that's what she calls dressups) & be a AH AH (which is code for princess or Ariel)!! Anyway Mummy won, but today I realised that I need to record the funny things she does. She loves her banky (blanket) & dummy (dum dum)which I know I should wean her off, but hey it gives me some peace & they don't go to school with them so I think what the heck....at least I know she will be strong & confident & know what she wants!! Seriously though if I didn't want to keep a handle on it, Ant & I are disciplining her (we are quite tough) but most of the time have to turn away as we are peeing ourselves laughing!!! She is just such a clown. Even though she has probably been our hardest baby in the way of food allergies, sleep & stubborness, I just look at her & just want to cuddle & kiss her all day!! She is just so precious!!! Today she told me to " go det it Mumma", I told her to do something & she goes "NO mumma you det it" (in other words you get it Mum).
She goes all day & then crashes with her mouth wide open & with either Bubba or Ah Ah.

I am grateful today for 3 incredible girls that God has given me & the awesome chance to be able to stay home & be a Mum to them. Some days it is hard (sometimes more hard than easy & not much thanks) but I know that it will be worth it one day!!!
Happy Tuesday.
Me xx
Awww... I LOVE those pics of her Mel! So gorgeous!!!
You've just gotta love all the funny little things they do!
Sheree xx
Cute, cute, cute :-) Parenting always amazes me - I don't know how you guys have the stamina to keep it up! Gorgeous photos, sweet and poignant story...
Hey I updated my webpage and blog... there is also a vid of our house form like 2 mths ago.. will have a new one int eh next week unless the baby pops out...
Melanie ... how adorable is she? GORGEOUS !!! And yes, parenting is not always easy and sometimes just plain hard, difficult and frustrating, but as you said: it will be so worth it in the end! xxx
Hmmmmm I seem to remember having heard this before!!! Was it 2 years ago, 4 years ago, oh no it was 34 years ago!!!! Wonder if it is genetic?
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