"It took a lot of blood, sweat & tears to get where we are today, but we have just begun. Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today." Barack Obama

I pray that he will maintain his integrity & strength of character during his term of office, & that there is a renewed hope for peace. A lot of pressure for one man!!
sad thing is he talks all this fluff about openness and integrity, etc etc, and his whole campaign was about hiding his birth place, covering up his short fallings, then coming into office and signing 5 pieces of legislation (Bush signed 1, Clinton 0) in their first 5 days in office...
This guy is gonna fail miserably and the idiot false Messiah worshippers are gonna have NO-ONE but themselves to blame for putting a guy with NO experience other then he is black, which in itself is a joke.. he is MIXED raced.. so as well as all the above now the left is racist... ha ha
Yes pray for our President.. for his Safety and for Wisdom...
Someone once told me that "we don't vote to keep the best party in - becuase there's no such thing - but we vote to keep the worst party out"
Will be interesting to see America in 4 years time....
whoa there guys I am not getting into politics, I was just making an observation from the outside!!! Lets see if he can be different & walk the talk!!! It is easy to talk but not so easy to walk. Please I worship the King of Kings not some earthly president!! I would just like to encourage some renewed hope for our future. I do not live in America so who knows what real TV or media we actually get. I have always said people get the government they deserve or at least vote for!!!! Blessings xxx
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