Isn't she just beautiful. This is the newest addition to the Brewin Household. Another girl. She is only 3 years old & has already had more hardships than most of us have seen. Her name is Shakure.
I have had it on my heart for a long time to sponsor a child & we also wanted to teach our girls about compassion & appreciating just how much they really have. In the western world we are so blessed & sometimes can forget just how much people go without in the world. One of our desires is to actually take the girls on a mission trip when they are older. I so want them to have a desire to make a difference in the world. I have always had a missions heart & am hoping one day Anthony & I might be able to do something in this area. Until then we are praying & hoping that we can teach the girls the importance of love, acceptance & doing good.
If you are interested in supporting a child please go here, there are so many desperate kids that need our help. You could really make a difference for only a cup of coffee a week!!!!
Me Out xxx
1 comment:
40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’
Matt 25 (I think)
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