getting taller & taller
about to lose her 2nd tooth
having a daily struggle with brushing her hair (LOL)
loves to sing & dance
always reminds me (I don't often forget) to pray with them among other things
showing some attitude & back chatting(What is that??)
a delight and constantly learning (she is reading like a train)
mothering her sisters (much to their chagrin)
body surfing like a pro
totally obsessed with horses at the moment & wants to move to a farm
loves to help me (sometimes) when she isnt preoccupied,
loves to cook......& so much more.
so sweet natured & yet very determined & strong at the same time
She is such a mix this precious big kid of mine, of little girl & trying to be older.
She is

also getting taller
loves to just play quietly mostly on her own, sometimes with her sisters
loves swimming & the beach
loves rice crackers & we call her our chippy monster
loves jewels & shiny things (she has since she was 2) plus big flowers & headbands
is enjoying school and settled in well (she was very young & we were concerned)rocking her readers (she even read one of Georgies the other day)
so sweet natured & has a real sense of justice & fairness
is still best friends with Gracie
She is probably the most like Ant, she really likes what she likes & is quite discerning with people. Although quieter than the other girls she can sometimes be quite stubborn.
still does her barney the bull impersonation when she is tired but we are working on that!!!
She is

constantly on the go!!
loves everything princess, dancing, music
jumping in the pool sometimes without her vest (& totally freaked me out)
loves animals but is totally freaked at bugs, spiders & crawly things
is constantly trying to keep up with her older sisters
very cheeky sometimes & has us cracking up with laughter
talking lots now & only have a few times where we don't understand her
still attached to her dummy (& I don't have the heart to take it off her)
is a constant joy!! I still cannot believe I only have one more year with her at home.
There is so many things that on a daily basis they say to me & I want to remember. I try to write it down but forget so many times. At the moment Lucia is big on telling me I need to take Daddy's privileges away from him (namely her DS) when he is naughty!!! LOL That they cannot go to sleep until I have read them a book or bible story, prayed, tickled their backs (Georgie soft, Lulu hard & Liv keeping still long enough) & sung them their two little songs (bit of a marathon for bedtime (:)which is I love my (insert their name here) and You are my sunshine. I have sung to them since they were very little & really haven't stopped. (Lucky I can sing LOL)
He is

busy working two amazing jobs (firefighter & paramedic)
providing for us
full of constant energy (I do not know how he does it)training 4 times a week swimming & winning races when he enters
trying to convince me to go around Australia (lol)
spending time with his girls taking them to the beach, walking & riding their bikes whenever he can, is excited they are going to get scooters for christmas
always has time to sit & talk with me even about the little things
takes care of things around the house including the girls when I need a break
is such a great husband (I am not just saying that) although sometimes he gets tired he is always positive, faith filled & loving and he is
still infatuated & thinks I am awesome after 17 years married & 21 years together......sad boy!!
an absolute spunk & I am so blessed to call him mine & ours!!!
and She

is juggling a lot of balls sometimes thinking I don't do it very well
trying to spend as much time with my precious family before they all grow up
trying to make sure I have my devotional time so my day isn't shot to heck
trying to run again to get fit, stay in shape & fit into some old clothes (lol)
trying to be a good wife, mother, friend
peaceful that I have had a tough couple of years working through issues but feel I am at the other end & will not be controlled or manipulated & am confident in who I am & who I have been called to be
enjoying life to the fullest with all its challenges, up & downs, highs & lows.
Constantly amazed at this life I have been given & sometimes wondering what more I could do!!!??
Did I tell you I CAN'T wait for the holidays. I get my girls home all day everyday!!! YAHOO.
Be back soon with some scrapping to share!! Yes I have been scrapping!!
Me xxx
Awesome post Mel...and great pics too!
Sheree xx
Liv has grown up heaps...
Funny I love seeing pics of you guys, but every time I see a pic of Anthony, I almost tear up.. I miss him.. wish I had've made more of my time around him...
Really looking forward to you guys coming...
Love the update and pics, but makes me sad too...We are missing so much! 3 years has been WAY too long!!
Aw Mel, I honestly think that this is your best post yet... I love it.. esp the part about you. I think you are so damn amazing and I feel so blessed to be able to do life with you. 6days baby!!
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