You know when you meet someone but you haven't known them all your life but it seems like you have!!?? That is Ruth. This girl has been the most incredible friend to me over the last 5 years. She knows me very well, she is one of the few people that I have really let get to know me. She has been with me through thick & thin and has always been honest with me even if sometimes the truth hurts. The thing is she gets me & still loves me!! She is a tower of strength, so confident in who she is & as God made her, is open, vivacious, honest, I could go on.....yes she has her faults but not many from where I am standing. She has withstood adversity & pain with such grace, strength & trust in God. Her little Gracie is Lucia's best friend and she is just gorgeous too. I cannot thank God enough from bringing them into our lives. We love them so much & no matter what happens or where we are I know we will always be friends. She truly is what I think a christian should be. Her whole family (whom I also love) also shine His love & His amazing grace. This week we got invited to an event that I am sooo excited about. It is a testimony of God's love & grace & restoration. Lizzy (who is just a doll) is engaged & getting married. I am so excited for her & their whole family. I never really say stuff about Ruthie but I really felt the need to post something so that I have a record of our amazing friendship.

Me Out xxx
We love her too :) There's nothing like a great friend!
So wonderful for you to have someone like Ruth in your life. Friends like that just don't come along every day! :)
Sheree xx
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