I have been looking for work & for the last 4 weeks before we went to Canberra I was working in the Sunbird shop. It was fun. A change from anything I have ever really done before & it was refreshing to be able to walk out the door & not have to think about it. They have also asked me to teach which also bought mixed emotions. I think I would rather just work in the shop but I have given it a go & for the last 2 weeks I have been teaching. In a word, LOVE!! I just loved it. Although I am not super confident about my scrapping, teaching people about something I love doing was really fun. No I may not be raking in the big dollars, but hey I already have the product & getting out around people was really nice. Mum came (she is like my little critic) and I had 3 other people in my class!!! Can you believe that. Soooo cool.
So here is some sneak peeks of new ones I am doing in the coming weeks. If you feel like doing a class why not book in??!! Wednesday class is called 'About A Bull' & is a layout & a card.

And this is next weeks class using Little Yellow Bicycle Papers (gorgeous) & my new fawn lawn stamps. Love em.

The girls are back to school next monday, so I have another whole week with them. I am going to miss them. Although they love school they are not super excited about going back. They love being at home with us. Anthony is recovering well & the physio says he is way ahead on his recovery. (couldn't expect anything else now could we!!!!) We have been making the most of our time with the girls & as I write they are off fishing, hopefully catching some more dinner for us!!!
I also had the privilege of shooting a friends wedding on Saturday. I have to say photographers definately earn their money!! Although it was fun, challenging & rewarding, am not 100% sure it is something I would like to do. Mmmm more thinking on that one. Will post some of those shots soon.
Happy Tuesday
Me xxx
Mmm am loving your sneak peeks Mel.
It is strange not having the children go back to school as all the other children in our street went back today. Stuart and I have been super bus getting everything ready for the opening of our new business.
Glad to hear you are enjoying teaching...
Leanne xx
I'm so happy that your classes are starting to take off and that you're loving it!!! Your sneak peeks are gorgeous! (Even better in real life :)) Hope the girls enjoy their week off!
Sheree xx
Hey Mel do you know of any books that relate to being a modern day Proverbs 31 woman?
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