The innocent sweet angelic sleep!! I won't take for granted the time I have with you, technology or a phone call will not be more important. The recording of the story will not be overshadowed by the making of the story/memory.
Know this, that even though some days are hard, I get tired,I cry, sometimes complain, sometimes think I am not crash hot at this mothering thing and sometimes get caught up in the busyness of our schedules & don't prioritize the right things, know that apart from God and Daddy there is no-one more important in my life!!! I love you more than I could ever express!! I love your quirks, your stubborness, your innocence, your full on zest for life, you keep me young!!!
Love you
Mama xxoo
God and Daddy? Hers or yours? surely Antman deserves a mention!! ha ha!
Love this post Mel. So true...they grow up so fast I don't want to miss a thing!
Sheree xx
Beautiful post Mel.
Beautiful *YOU*
Beautiful daughters!!!
Love you babes.
Beautiful Post and oh so true, they do grow up way to fast and I think sometimes we forget that, thanks for the beautiful reminder
Cherie xx
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