Friday, September 3, 2010

I Will Miss This

The endless washing, the endless cooking, the endless mama where are you?! The endless scraped knees, the fighting, your endless energy. the arguing the questions..........the kisses, the endless requests for one more story, pushing boundaries even though you are well aware of those, one more cuddle, one more kiss, a drink of water, asking me to do something for you!!! Mama you do it, you say when 10 mins before you were asserting your independance!!! Most of all I will miss this as you get older.

The innocent sweet angelic sleep!! I won't take for granted the time I have with you, technology or a phone call will not be more important. The recording of the story will not be overshadowed by the making of the story/memory.

Know this, that even though some days are hard, I get tired,I cry, sometimes complain, sometimes think I am not crash hot at this mothering thing and sometimes get caught up in the busyness of our schedules & don't prioritize the right things, know that apart from God and Daddy there is no-one more important in my life!!! I love you more than I could ever express!! I love your quirks, your stubborness, your innocence, your full on zest for life, you keep me young!!!
Love you

Mama xxoo


Grandad Gary .....(the Ledj) said...

God and Daddy? Hers or yours? surely Antman deserves a mention!! ha ha!

Sheree said...

Love this post Mel. So true...they grow up so fast I don't want to miss a thing!

Sheree xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful post Mel.
Beautiful *YOU*
Beautiful daughters!!!
Love you babes.

Cherie said...

Beautiful Post and oh so true, they do grow up way to fast and I think sometimes we forget that, thanks for the beautiful reminder

Cherie xx