This day changed us in so many ways.
We will remember that many men and women gave their lives & are still giving their lives for the freedoms we enjoy.
I remember like it was yesterday. We were asleep on the other side of the world.........12.05am my brother rang us & told us to put on the tv. We then spent hours glued in front of it, not really believing it had happened. Anthony was a paramedic at the time and our hearts cried for the families that had lost, the brothers who had lost brothers .......lost everything. And part of me was guilty that I was happy that we were halfway around the world away from it all & yet it still touched us with its evil fingers.
Today it is just as real, knowing that Anthony would be one that would go into a burning building, that there is a community of brothers that would do just that, as that is what they are made of. Serving others, helping I am grateful that we have people that will do that, if not a little scared!!
So today remember that life is precious, grab it with both hands & don't let go!!! Kiss your kids, kiss your husband, tell people that you love how much they really mean to you.
Me xxx
Amen Mel, I remember Stuart came running into the room telling me that he thought he was watching a movie then realised that it was real. He said that this will change the way we live and it most certainly has.
Beautiful post!!
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