Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Favourites...

So another one of Sheree's ideas, love it. Here are our family favourites from this week -

 What can I say about our sunsets out here.........Stunning.........
 Yep on our little 4WD jaunt, we saw some camels. The girls wanted to stop & pat them, but I was on a mission & told them that they smell & spit at you!! Ha that changed their minds.
 They were finding some beautiful shiny rocks......
Clean Pantry me preparing for the term having everything organised. Ant said it was a bit "sleeping with the enemy" but my anal self was very very happy!!! The kitchens are not big up here, so I have to make the most of it.

 New lalaloopsies bought with pocket money!!

 Lots of homemade cooking, a new recipe I made for lunch one day - might share it. Yummy.
 We have dealt with a bit of sickness here in the last week, including "pink eye" as my yankee counterparts call it. Not a favourite of mine let me tell you, so chilling out was a main part of the week for the chickies.

 Fun time is nearly over here in Australia with school holidays finishing, so I have been crazily easily preparing for the year. In Australia we have to give a whole year to the education department. I am totally new to all this but am so thankful for a new friend I made who has been amazingly helpful & giving of her time. I am actually excited about this years work.

So it is a little photo heavy, but that's been a snapshot of our week here. Craft etc has been put aside until probably a couple of weeks into school as we settle into the new curriculum, charts etc. It is going to be a busy year, but I am excited for all that is in store!!


Sheree said...

So fun to see what you guys have been up to this week! Great pics Mel! I hope the girls are all feeling better now...poor things! Will look forward to your Friday Favourites post again next week! :)

Sheree xx

Angela said...

Great pics Mel!!

I think it's awesome that you home school the girls :-)

Karen said...

Do you not call it pink eye? I've learned that our Ecuadorian friends call it "the kick of the Chinese" too funny!! Love it!