Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Space

Well this is usually a no go zone, but I was so excited that I needed to share. Now for all those people who know me and can appreciate scrapbooking but aren't into it, probably won't understand........but when I sit in front of this table I am in BLISS..........

It all started when DD (Dearest Dad) came up for holidays, we all decided that the kitchen table just wasn't ok, and as we didn't have plans to move soon, I really needed some space. So DD and DH got together, DD built this awesome table (which I said he should paton) and then off to Ikea we went & had a blast buying all this cool storage stuff. It was supposed to be kitchen stuff but you know Ikea, you can use it almost anywhere, easy to assemble & reasonable prices I also came up with this cool idea of a curtain thing they had to hang all this stuff on it, isnt' it the coolest .......when I get home I realised though, that I have a serious obsession with scrap stuff.......still have enough storage for more (yes very sad, sad)..........LOL

Anyway short post tonight, leave you with one thing to think about.........

Life is a gift..........don't leave it unopened!!!! M x

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