Ant & I have a dream to one day go & do some work on a mission field (we have been invited to a few places & are hoping to do some medical ones). We really do want our girls to experience what is like to have lack. I want them to have compassion & to truly understand how blessed we are to live in a country that has water, shelter & food, & that offers thousands of opportunities. Some children are not so lucky. I would not pressure anyone, but please go & have a look here & think about sponsoring a child today. We in the western world really do not have any excuses not to.

here for more details.....
Happy Wednesday. Me xx
"And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness—secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name" (Isaiah 45:3, NLT).
i totally agree ... that would be such an amazing experience, you are brave! braver than i am ... although i think the experience would be life changing. After going to china, i have really felt this over-welming sense of how selfish we are here, how much we really have and how we take it for granted on so many levels. This year we are trying to be more frugal - not buy things (its easier said than done for sure) but i am hoping to try!
would still love to catch up ... i can hardly believe the holidays are almost gone - what happened! maybe we could meet at Ikea one day? how long would it take for you to get there? we can work something out ...
hope you have had a fun holidays! i am trying to get creative again after having a break!
luv chanel
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