I am afraid that I embarassed myself (not Lucia thank goodness) & made it to the car before I proceeded to break down in tears & didn't stop for most of the day. Everytime I thought of her (my middle baby) I would tear up. It was made a little better by my beautiful Ant being there watching her & also driving us for her exciting first day,I then met Ruthie & we comiserated together. I was so worried.......I haven't had enough time with her, georgie got an extra year, she doesn't know enough, what if she doesn't like it & it is too much for her, wanting other kids to be nice to her, etc etc etc I needn't have worried she absolutely loved it & we haven't had a drama. She is learning so much & comes home quite excited albeit a bit tired from her day.
Here are some pics -

We have also just been having a bit of fun as well. During the week while school is on the girls can't watch TV, so we are always doing something to keep them occupied before dinner......this is Lulu's idea of relaxing!!! She is such a crackup.

And here is one of my examples for the use your stash at Heaven-sent cybercrop on the weekend. It was a great comp & really made us think out of the box.

Will have some more shares soon, this post is already long enough!!!! Have a great Monday & Tuesday.
Love Me xx
Oh Mellie, what a huge heart journey. Thank you for sharing! I was talking to someone today about "being ready" for things. Isn't it true that we are never ready, never old enough, never wise enough... but that's not what God is asking... we just need to step into each day and lean on Him as He equips us for each moment by His Spirit. I love that Lucia is a physical example of our spiritual journey. Step out in faith despite our fears that we're not ready. Praise God for His plan. I'm glad I don't have to be ready or good enough to be used by Him. :-) I love getting to see snapshots of your life through your blog. Love you!
Mel, you dear woman... I think it is always SO MUCh harder on Mums than the children :)
If she is anything like my Mikaela she would have come home with more enthusiasm than you dropped her off with, if that is even possible... somehow it is :)
Thanks for sharing.
BTW>>> my word verification to post this was "bless"... pretty kewl huh!
Hahaha. I love these pics.. the girls are crack-ups!!
I loved our walk/chai today!
i cant tell you how much you mean to me!
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