Sunday, April 5, 2009

Finally Here.............

with a big catch up. It has been a really busy couple of weeks. I really do need to blog more, so much happening, so many little conversations. The girls are on holidays now, which I love, I get to spend each day with my little gems. The first couple of days are always a little challenging as they are overtired from a busy term, have to have boundaries reset in their little brains & trying to keep them occupied for quite a few more hours. Liv is loving having them home as it is very quiet during the week without them here. Some other things that have been happening -
Lucia is riding her bike with no trainers (she has been doing this for awhile now, sorry baby Mama is not a good blogger)

& Liv is riding a big bike now not her little trike.

They are all very excited & this is a bit of a ritual where they all ride around big netball fields near us & I try to go running!!! LOL

Here we are camping, Georgie & Lulu rode the Mal with Daddy, Georgia stood up but Lulu just rode on it like a boogie board. Georgia really has no fear of the surf (definately better than me) & I am stoked as I have always wanted them to be confident around water.......I guess it is in the genes with their Dad. I love that he spends so much time with them, not only teaching them practical things but also spiritual & emotional. I love this man & look at my girls go.

Camping was really very enjoyable this time in the camper (you can't really see it here but it rocks). I got to read & relax & spend time just hanging out with my beautiful family. I precooked all our meals so we just had to heat them up. Awesome!!! I have always joked that I love sleeping under the stars, preferably 5!!! but I think Ant might be winning me around. There is something great about the simplicity of camping. I always find my devotional time is really important at this time. Just a place to BE & really listen to what God is trying to tell me, spending quality time with the family without technology or distractions & just enjoying the peace & quiet.

And lastly some scrapping......

(this was a scraplift from here, my very clever friend)

a card for one of my other friends....

Britt & I.....

I have more to share but that will have to do for the moment. Have a great Tuesday.
Love Me xxx


Sheree said...

Oh my goodness... check out the girls surfing!! It's awesome that they'll get in there and have so much fun.

Lovin' those layouts... and your card looks great!!

Me xx

Karen said...

Good job mom...helmets on the bikes and all! Better than me!!!

chanel said...

hi Mel, this is my 2nd time trying to post ... the computer froze before! ahhhh!
love your post, and totally know how you feel re:technology. We have just been camping and i love getting back to the simple life and just enjoying each others company - its golden.
love all your creative work too ...
hope your easter was fab
luv chanel

Brittany said...

you are a good mum!!!