that is what happened, irrevocably & totally when these three entered my world.
Some days I totally blow it & berate myself, feel guilty & wonder what I was thinking when I thought I could raise another little human. I have worried, cried, laughed & just been totally in awe of these little beings. It has made me appreciate my own Mum, the struggles she must have faced raising us. I had strong ideas on what I want to do & not want to do with them, but realise as each day passes that you can only do the best you can each day, pray for them with all your might & love them like there is no tomorrow!!! We do not know tomorrow & as the Word says "Do not worry about tomorrow as today has enough troubles of its own!!!" & so I realise that I must trust God & His plans for us.
With that in mind I pray over them nightly, daily & try to be the best Mum I can be, sometimes doing ok sometimes not. And although it is sometimes the hardest job in the world with not much thanks, I know it will all be worth it!! Love you. Mama xxx
You're awesome Mel! How beautiful are all of you!! Your best is quite enough...the Lord will cover the rest!
What a beautiful picture of you and the girls! You're a fantastic Mum Mel... just look at your gorgeous girls... they're proof of what an awesome job you're doing!
Me xx
That's a great pic :)
I am quite sure your girls will tell you themselves what a wonderful mother you have been for them.... and you will be rewarded by having {as I am sure you do right now} three very devoted friends who will want to hang out and go for coffee and talk about their hearts and lives always with you.
Love and hugs
youre beautiful... you never look as beautiful as you do when you are with your girls!!
gorgeous post lovely! i totally understand that completely!
i'm sure you are a fabulous mum ... how lucky your family is!
have a great week
luv chanel
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