Saturday, June 20, 2009

An excursion & a ballet concert...........

well what a week. I had a new camera & it got a work out!!! Daddy went with Lucia to an excursion where they had a great time. Here is some photos........

Lucia also had her first ballet concert. THEY WERE SO CUTE!!!! She was a Zebra & Gracie was an elephant. They really are like two peas in a pod. We did try to get them separate classes just so they wouldn't get sick of each other but you should see these two. They are so funny & cute. I am so glad that Lucia has found such a special friend from really young. Here is some photos from this too.

Jenna (Georgies special friend) was also in the concert.....

It was a really busy week & so much I didn't document but that is ok. I am trying not to put too much pressure on myself. This is a great way to show the girls their life later on but I also don't want to defeat the purpose of enjoying the moment as well.
Happy Saturday. Me xxxx

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I love that photo of Lulu and Grace on the bus.. they will look back on that when they're older and have a giggle!!