I cannot believe you are 5......my goodness where has that time gone, my baby girl??
I can still remember when we were just thinking about you!!! Just a twinkle. So here is a few things about you at 5.....
You are a serious little thing (very like your Daddy) deep thinker, very quiet unless you are with someone you are comfortable with
You have a really dry sense of humour & come out with some hilarious things
You love jewels the bigger the better (:
You like what you like & that is that, including people
Your best friend is Gracie & without fail she will make you laugh
You love porridge, ice cream & strawberries & anything savoury (we nickname you our chippy monster)
You are very pedantic about how you like things (generally very organised & lined up)
You will keep at something until you can do it including puzzles
You do beautiful artwork (which is a bent I never expected)
You do dancing at school but are not as into it as Georgie & Liv (you have walked on your toes since you could move)
You still love disney princesses & mermaids
Your favourite movie is 'The Ugly Duckling & Me'
You are the smallest out of the three of you & you still wear clothes Liv is wearing
You are a real night owl, if you could stay up & sleep in, it would be perfect!!
You love to just be by yourself & play
You love alone time with Daddy & Me just hanging out on the couch watching tv
You love to ride your bike
So many other things I could tell you but most of all we love you our sweet girl. You truly are the meaning of your name "bringer of light".
Love Mama xxxxx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCIA!!!! What a beautiful birthday pic Mel! You must be loving your new camera! :)
Sheree xx
Happy Birthday lovely beautiful girl.
I hope you had the BEST day Lucia... 5 years wowsers :)
Sweet photo of a sweet girl.
beautiful photo!!
Yay for new cameras AND turning 5!!
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