Friday, July 31, 2009

well sort of a vegie garden.........

well last years effort was definately bigger and better this year little smaller (especially compared to my sis (:) also Mum and Ant are the green thumbs, if it was up to me everything would be dead.......seriously, love the idea and benefits but not so good on the output of the idea, (I do find watering and weeding very therapeutic though??!!). Anyway here is a little photo of what's happening....

The girls love eating fresh & raw. It is very funny trying to get them to eat vegies that are cooked they really like them raw!! Go figure. Definately easy for me, no preparation & angst over what to make them for dinner!! LOL

Also anthony decided to give our passionfruit vine a trim......yeah well he massacred it!! We tried to say not to do it until the season is over as there was hundreds of passionfruit sprouting over it. (The girls and Daveo ate 16 in one sitting.) My plans for passionfruit jam were thwarted!! They were absolutely beautiful. Well since Ant's prune job this is what it looks like......poor passionfruit vine......

That's me for back soon with a rather large post!!!

Me xxx

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Get Real Baby.....

see the new widget, well I have decided as part of my new blog this is something I am keen to do. I have stated before I am not a journaller & definately am not a person who puts their personal life up for everyone to see, I also don't like sharing personal stuff. I have decided though that this thing called life needs to be shared. The ups and downs, the good and the bad and also to record stuff for my kids to know the journey we have come on, and to have a record of things they/we did. I would also love to be able to encourage people, that some days it is really hard to find the blessing & the joy in the mundane. Sometimes we don't think we are making a difference & this job of motherhood is so often downplayed!!!
We do not have to have a generation of uncommunicative, resistant to change, disrespect for authority, not taking responsibility kids. We can have ones that show compassion, will reach out a hand to help someone, take responsibility, respect those that have been put over them & embrace change!!!
This is my desire for my girls. The book I am continuing to read on 'Growing Great Girls' tells you to think about the sort of 20 year old you want to have.
Thought provoking really for these times. I will be pondering over that for sure!!!

Me Out xxx

Sunday, July 19, 2009

vegies where???

actually wegies.......yes this is the conversation....

....mumma I have wedgies up my nose???
Me you have what???
wegies up my nose??
wegies up your nose??
why is there wegies up your nose??
cause why??
cause I put them up there??
Livvy did you stick a bean up your nose??
mmmm much searching & looking with tweezers etc & no I couldn't find vegies up her nose but an entertaining 15 minutes in the Brewin household to say the least!!
Livvy does not funny she really doesn't. I say who did this?? Livvy - I did?? are you sure??? yep!! no lying, no fear there, she takes it & the consequences. I love it. Although sometimes she is very naughty it is hard sometimes not to praise her, as she did tell the truth but then discipline her??!!!
No photos of this one to share sorry!!

Me xx

Friday, July 10, 2009

She turned 7.....

wowsers I cannot believe it.

What can I say about my oldest girl. She is the most amazing little human being. Sometimes the responsibility of raising her is overwhelming, but I really want her to know that I think she is awesome and an incredible gift.
Some days it feels like I am dealing with a teenager already, but I softly (sometimes harshly) guide her and teach her. She is such a compassionate soul and yet has a strength (that can sometimes be called stubborness) that astounds me. She is a natural people person & leader. She can sometimes be a bit bossy. Most of all I love that she is not too old to give me lots of kisses and cuddles!!! (yet)
Love you Georgie Girl, mummy and daddy are very proud of you!!!

PS just FYI each birthday the girls get to choose what they eat for dinner, what cake they have and what game or movie to play after dinner!! Georgies picks were freddo ice cream cake, burritos and Monopoly. Also Nana (of course), Dave, Tarrie & Ellie came over for cake.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Only 3 more sleeps...............

till this beautiful girl leaves our shores for her new adventure. What can I say about her. She has become my little soul sister. We love the same things & just love hanging out. My girls will miss their baboo & I will miss her terribly. No more monday nights & watching crap tv!! No more little coffee trysts!! At least not for 12 months anyway. I love you my gorgeous girl & your presence will be sooo missed. But I am so proud of the journey you have decided to take & I know that God will protect you & keep you in His hands & that His plans are awesome for you. Don't ever forget that He loves you & that you are an incredible woman with much value!!!

Anyway I am going to have a bit of a blog break, to say goodbye & also to change a few things on my blog!! Will be something new, not that some people will be interested, but I really started this up for my sis & bro in America to keep up with our daily lives, in the time it has ventured a bit away from that. I do love scrapping & creating & it is part of my life, but I really want to get back to recording our daily lives. Love to you all this wednesday. See you soon.
Me xxx

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Glimmering all over the place.........

Glimmermist is the same product with a FABULOUS new look!!!
If you post a picture with this title & email you could be in the draw. Mmmmmm you can never have enough glimmermist!!!

Me xxxx