I have been really challenged to make this blog something to challenge not only myself but other people. I haven't really told many people that I have a blog. I am a private person & started it for my bro & kaz to have a look into our daily lives, that they were missing, and for scrapbooking/photography. I have realised that maybe God wants a little more from me. I have been doing a Mum's lifegroup at church now for over a year. It is awesome. Not from the aspect of me teaching but just how much I learn from the amazing girls that come along. I have learnt so much from them & also God has been slowly & quietly guiding me into a new confidence, peace & outlook on life. They are open, honest, raw & just love & encourage each other. What a real group should do. I think also this is what God called us as women to be.
We were built for relationship, for nurturing, for caring, encouraging & involving, not isolating, competing & comparing. How someone does something really is up to them. What a wonderful life it would be if we could celebrate those differences, be vulnerable & just love one another.
Why is it as christians we seem to wound our own?? Why do we feel the need to maybe not let people get too confident or arrogant?? Why can't we be encouragers & have an honesty & realness about our struggles, anxieties. Yes we do trust God & we wait on Him but sometimes we also need someone with skin on. I know for me I don't need someone else telling me that I am doing the wrong thing, or going the wrong way, sometimes you just need someone to wrap their arms around you, pray for you & be there!!! I have been guilty of this too. I have encouraged someone & then pulled them down with someone else, out of my own insecurity, low self esteem. I am not proud of this and although I have done it in the past, have endeavoured not to. I have learnt many things through past relationships/friendships.
We came into this world with unique gifts, each our own!!
There is always another book that can be written, another song that can be sung, another business that can be started, another speech that can be spoken. Each of us have something unique to give. Each of us cannot be the all for one person. We need different people in our lives, that is what enriches us, encourages us, challenges us. Until we all get that through our heads we will constantly be competing & comparing & not achieve all that God has set out for His women to achieve. This verse speaks to us all about where we should be.
1 Peter 4:8 "Above all keep fervent in your love for one another, because Love covers a multitude of sins."
Mel xx
PS And of course there will be scrapbooking & more scrapbooking. LOL
Beautifully Said Mel!
Very well said Mel. Your mum's group sounds very inspirational and fun.
Leanne xxx
Love the "Proverbs 31 Ministries" site Mel, thanks for having the link on your blog.
Leanne xxx
I wholeheartedly agree, our Mum's group this year is going from strength to strength, isn't God great! I love that you wrote this entry. Well put!
How very true ,we are all very aware of our faults and we are often the hardest on ourselves and don't need others to point them out,we need to encourage one another and love each other,faults and all. very good Mel
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