Thursday, April 1, 2010

Things I Miss

Canberra is a beautiful city, there is no denying that!! There is a few things that I have actually missed here apart from Dad & our friends here.

Delicious delis

Amazing cakes

The whole coffee/cafe thing. Plus the shops are pretty cool. (although we have just as good if not better and great bargains)

Shops like these (we don't have a lot of these ....

And also great indoor stuff
(took the girls to the AIS where Dad works & Ant was on scholarship)....

They loved it. So weird being back there after 18 years!!!

Today we are going to catch up with some more friends as well as tripping around the city. So cool, we are mega social butterflies. When I get home I think I will be a hermit as I will be all talked out!! Lol

Back soon with more photos!! I know I know I am posting up a storm.

Me xxx
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Sheree said...

Great pics Mel! Love the one of the girls in the pool...and those cakes!!! YUM!!!

S xx