Thursday, June 24, 2010

we are being spoilt....

by this lovely friend, here are some photos, but look, I haven't the time to edit the photos, so here they are in raw!!! LOL. have a bit going on here & not as much computer time. The girls love them & I know we will get plenty of use in this colder weather.

and mine, which the photo doesn't do it justice but I LOVE it. She also made me a matching scarf.

I have been doing a bit of scrapping & sewing so will share that with you later on. Also some photos from the girls birthdays, we are in birthday craziness, as they are all within 2 weeks of each other. Have a great weekend.
Be back soon.

Me xxoo


Unknown said...

Those hats are adorable, as are your girls. You all look so cute!
Happy Birthday to all your girls :)

Sheree said...

SO happy that you all love your hats so much!!! :)

S xx

Karen said...

So cute...Mel, how noble of you to not tell everyone you made them...I would have believed you :)