Saturday, July 10, 2010

She is 8

What is your favourite cereal? Weetbix
What is your favourite tv show? Pooh Bear
What is your favourite movie? Spirit - Horse
What kind of pet would you like to have? Horse or Kitten
Who is your best friend? Mici
What vegetable do you like best? Corn
What toy would you never give away? Blankie (a pooh bear one that Nath & Kaz gave her)
What do you take to bed at night? Blankie
What is your favourite game? Trouble
What is your favourite book? My first prayer book
What is your favourite treat? chocolate
What do you want do be when you grow up? don't know (she has swapped between a Doctor & ballerina)
What superpower would you like to have? To be able to fly
What do you like for lunch? chicken wrap with lettuce & mayonnaise
What makes you mad?someone being mean & my sisters annoying me.
Where would you like to go for holidays? America
What is your favourite music? Free to Dance (hillsong)

Georgie my beautiful big kid. You are such a sweet natured girl. So strong & yet sensitive all at the same time & can sometimes be dramatic & are very creative, which totally has your Dad & I in awe (as we are not dramatic at all). You love babies, you are a real mother hen (although not always with your sisters). You love being at home & would be totally cool if you didn't have to go to school again. You don't like change & will usually go back to the things you love & are comfortable with. You love being outside & you love animals!! You also are never far away from pencils or paint. At the moment a little attitude has been coming through & you always have to have the last word, much to our frustration. I look at you & remember my little dark curly haired imp who loved to dance & sing & just hang with Daddy. You are such a mix of little girl & pre-teen. You don't like Barbie or Princesses anymore but aren't so grown up that you don't love doing little girl things, you are very innocent & naive. My heart breaks sometimes wishing that I could save you the pain that this world has to offer, knowing that you have to learn & make your own mistakes. We are just going to try & teach you all we can & encourage you to become all that we know you can be!! Our deepest desire for you is that you will be happy & content & have a passion for serving God.

Happy Birthday our gorgeous girl. We love you more than you will ever know.

Mama xxoo


Sheree said...

Another big happy birthday to Georgia! Wow...8 already huh? Another great post Mel...and I really love that beautiful pic of her! Have you scrapped that one yet?

S xx

Leanne said...

Happy 8th Birthday Georgia. You are such a beautiful young lady and your mummy and daddy are so blessed to have you. I hope your day is chock full of love, joy and happiness.

Love the piccie Mel, she is so incredibly beautiful.

Leanne xx

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Georgia.
We hope you have/had an awesome day!
G >>>> you are GORGEOUS!!!
Mikaela, Bek, Joshua, Benjamin and Nath

DWNUNDR said...

What a great choice of Holiday destinations... Your wish is our command.. see you soon..

Brittany said...

I love these birthday blogs, really beautiful! Love you!