to say we had a great time is probably an understatement. I know people are waiting for photos etc and I am endeavouring to plow through them. When we got back we hit the ground running. It has been a busy couple of weeks. I am already missing my chats with Karen, I really feel we formed a strong bond & she really is my sister not just by marriage. The kids all were great & considering they were together 24/7 it was an amazing time. They were all sooo good. I am totally in love with my nieces & nephews & think that Kaz and Nath are doing an incredible job. Quite a few people said when we were leaving, that we "just fit" there and I have to agree. I know things are different when you are on vacation but really it was like we were living there. 7 weeks is a long time & we weren't staying in a hotel. I loved that we bonded with people who thought the same, raised their kids the same & just had similar ideas & priorities. I feel that I have a deep connection with them over there. In the future who knows, only God!! I know that we had a great time, filled with lots of laughs, conversation, food & I feel that I have been irrevocably changed.
Here are some of my favourite photos - (they are unedited as our computer has decided to die & I am still trying to convince Ant to buy me a Mac)
So many photos to share but this post would become way too long. These are just a few of my favourite memories from our trip. The kids just being together, Ant waterskiing on Minnetonka, riding dirtbikes & ATV, the Twins baseball game, breakfast every morning for 7 kids, Feed My Starving children........the list goes on. Although we didn't take as many photos as I wanted & missed some good ones, it was all about making the memories.
While I was away the shop where I worked was sold. The new owner is lovely & wants me to keep teaching. So I am under a little pressure to get my mojo back and get scrapping. The new website is live and you can go
here to have a looksie. I am amazed at what she has already done in just over a week. I am excited with what is coming.
I am also excited as before I went away I got one of these.
I am totally in love with it. It is sooooo cool. It cuts fabric, felt, chipboard, everything!!!!
While I was away I bought a whole heap of quilt stuff along with my scrap stuff. YUMMY. So will post some projects soon. I am back into my sewing which is really exciting. Can't wait to make some pressies for people.
So that is me sort of caught up. I am going to try update a bit more here..........seriously I promise.
Me Out.
Mel xx
Mel honey your photos are divine and I cannot wait to see and hear more. I am so glad that you all had a wonderful time away. It is just a pity that America is soo far away
xx Leanne xx
SO happy to have you back but I know you're missing your family like crazy! LOVE all the pics so far and looking forward to seeing lots more!
Sheree xx
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