Well I decided to take up the Ali challenge of finding a word for myself this year, (I can't remember where I saw it, cannot for the life of me find the article now) .....LOL Anyway I thought long and hard and decided that my word for this year is .......CREATE!!! So off I went and bought the words (thanks goodness for Spotlight) painted them, in between getting dinner and 3 rowdy girls to bed (Daddy is away & they have decided to push every boundary they can!!) & so my 2008 begins with the challenge of taking some photographs with this word.......and then I will do a layout!!!! The decision for me this year is to actually complete some of the projects that I have started & left by the wayside, start some new ones & definately just be Creative........I am letting that inner creation come out.......you probably won't be as excited as me, but I look forward to sharing this journey!!!! Now I just have to complete my Me page being totally honest at 35!!?? Scary. Exciting news today will get to hold a new baby next week.....Yippee.........our gorgeous friends Sheree & Daren had a baby girl............Girls Rock!!!!! Now as a fellow scrapper I am sure she will be fully pumped to go get some GIRLY papers........LOL!!!! Well I am pretty tired now so signing off..........remember Hugs have no side effects...........Hug someone today. Love ya M x
Hey you! YAY - you have a blog too. I'll link to you from my blog. Wish you were coming back to the US before you are. We may come over with K & N in 2011.
Miss you - wish we could hang out!!!!
Kewlio Mel.
That was my word for last year LOL! Its a good one.
We knew we were going to create a baby... so it was PERFECT for us. This year it is "JOY"...
Its all good as Ali would say.
Beautiful word Bek, thanks for all the encouragement, U r a gem!! Mx
Deb, hey you gorgeous thing...your blog is cool, thought I better get with the program, wish we were coming this year!! Miss you guys too, hey next time we will bring the KFC!!! LOL love ya Mxx
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