This is my bestie Ruth & her gorgeous daughter Grace.....I was checking out Lusi & Bek two very cool chicks, seeing their tribute to the people in their life & I thought about Ruthie. I have only known this gorgeous woman for 4 years (since Lulu was born) but she has been an amazing friend. She has been there for me through the thick & thin, my ugly days, my sad days, my breastfeeding & sleepless night days, the days that I thought I could run away!!. She cooked for us, cleaned for me (after I had a c-section), rang me every week sometimes every 2nd day just to make sure I was doing ok & still does it now.......she is an incredibly talented, strong & godly woman. I thank God everyday that he bought her into my life. You know it was about 12 months before I met her that we had been praying for some friends......ones that you really have a lot in common with & can just share life with (where the husbands really got along too).........along came the Nean family. What a blessing!!!! Gracie & Lulu are the best of friends & all the girls just love each other. I am so blessed to have this amazing friend to do life with, thankyou ruthie for all you have done & all you do. We love you!!!! I look forward to the next 40 years sharing more laughter, God stuff & even tears (geez we have to get through teenage years with at least 4 girls yet eek!!!). You are the Best!!!! Mxx

How wonderful for you Mel to have found such an amazing friend! It doesn't happen every day!
Sheree xx
Hey Mel, this is the first time I've read your blog and I'm almost in tears and have a lump in my throat. Your words ring true and I can so relate to your posts... keep it up! It's awesome to read. Love ya!
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