I cannot believe it my baby girl is 2 tomorrow!! where has that time gone.....this precious, feisty, strong & very vocal little princess totally changed our lives. She is a delight & I can't wait to see her face when she sees what we have for her tomorrow. She absolutely loves Barney (which is next to impossible to find here) & so Mum found her this big stuffed Barney. She will be happy. Check here for photos.
I have been a bit slack with blogging, have had a HUGE week. Little Lulu has been in hospital, the other two fighting off flus. Not a healthly household this week. Am excited for my girl tomorrow. I love you my gorgeous girl. Mxxx
mel you are INCREDIBLE!! where you found the time to create this beautiful page i do not know.You are an inspiratiation girl.
just read lulu in hospital and hope she is feeling better- we ar sending her get well wishes for speedy recovery, poor little thing thinking of you Kylie
I love your heart....
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