I love that when you set your mind to something you do it.
I love how you love me no questions!! (even when I am a hormonal mess)

I love that you pray whenever you go to work.
I love how you love our girls & spend lots of time with them.
I love that when I want to be slack you will get us going to church!!
I love that you will drive 100km just to see me when you are missing us & you are tired from training.
I love that you love fishing & you don't even like to eat it, but will come home & cook it up for me & the girls. (he doesn't cook either but does this awesome)
I love that you love surfing.
I love that you love fast motorbikes & are an adrenaline junkie.
I love that you can just chill out in front of Mash!!!
I love that you were there for all 3 girls births......all the way!!!
I love that you have the patience to teach the girls to ride without trainers!!
I love that you support me & encourage me in all I do, even scrapbooking!!!
I love that you always have so much energy!! You will do a big race & still be ready for more.
I love how you always, always make me laugh!!

I love how you are very compassionate.
I love that you are an everyday hero.
I love that you are going to write me a song!
I love that you are on ebay a lot always looking for a bargain(but you aren't obsessed like me)!!
I love that you always research everything before you make the final decision.
I love that you let me sleep in some mornings, even though you think I am wasting the best part of the day.
I love that you cuddle & kiss our girls ALL the time!!

I love that you let them win playing UNO.
I love that you think I am a HOT mama & are always touching me.
I love that you are particular about our cars & they have to be clean.
I love that you always have ideas for entrepenurial things so that you can retire & annoy me everyday (thats what you say).
I love that you love our grass being green & freshly mowed.
I love that you work so hard to provide for us without complaint.
I love that you always compliment me in front of other people.
I love that you don't like going out for dinner cause I cook better at home!! (so you say)
I love that you are soooo practical & yet when it comes to presents for me so generous.
I love that you give me a hard time about reading manuals (I don't).
I love that even though my family is kooky you love them & let mum live with us!
I love how you get on with my Dad & brother.
I love that you don't like changing nappies but you will.(not long & no more)
I love that you will watch the girls while I do stuff.
I love that although your garage is clean you drop your clothes everywhere inside.
Last but not least I love your hot body, but particuarly your cute patootie!!!

love you babe, happy birthday, here's to another 37 years. Mxx
LOL, cute patootie hey..........? You are so funny Mel. Love what you have written for your wonderful husband. I hope that he has a fabulous day and that you spoil him rotten....
Love to you all
Leanne xxx
See you Thursday honey, can't wait to catch up again xxx
What a beautiful post Mel! Hope Anthony has had an awesome day!
Sheree xx
hey wait... Olivia has hair.. when did this happen.. you have to email me pics more.. you slack wench
haha. was just reading Nath's comments!! nice to see that some things never change!
this is a nice blog!, i hope that Anth read it!
I can only hope that my marriage (touch wood) is as strong as yours!
love yous!
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