Now don't be jealous but I am going to Heidi in 130 something sleeps.....She is coming over from China for 1 date in Brisbane in say I am excited is an understatement......thanks to DD my money has been paid & my spot is confirmed. Now thinking about it, being in a room with hundreds of women & scrapbookers.....well it will be interesting & as it is my first we will see how I handle it!!! I am going with these two gorgeous girls
Sheree &
Leanne so it is sure to be a hoot. That is about it for my Sunday.....have a great one. Melxx

PS Go over & check out Sherees blog, she has her 100th post & has a RAK to give away....
PPS I forgot to say I had an AWESOME morning tea with these two girls too...I think they are trying to undo all my running LOL. I am so blessed to have met these two amazing women!!!
WOOHOO!!! It's gonna be AMAZING Mel and I'm so glad we're going together! Counting down...
Sheree xx
PS. About the morning tea... just giving you a reason to get out there running! LOL ;)
I cannot wait, we are going to have the bestest time EVER!!!!!!
L xxx
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