Thursday, August 27, 2009

Life is not about weathering the storms...............

It's about learning to dance in the rain!!!!!

Me xxxx

Monday, August 17, 2009

Some Scrapping.........

these are from a process of about 2 they are.....I have decided I am going to try and do some more now that I have cleaned up my room. I feel like I will be able to get some stuff done!!! I had a big purge & now only have one magazine holder of paper!!! Seriously!! And my goal is to try and use my stash before I buy too much more!!!! LOL

This was a scraplift from my gorgeous girl here.....I love it & everytime I look at it, I wish I was in the USA with them all.

Some days I wish we did have a boy to appreciate Ant's Job. Boys think it is soooo cool. The girls only ask if he saved someone & if he didn't they aren't interested!!! LOL

I love this photo of Liv and I, she is sooo affectionate & is always trying to give me kisses!! I LOVE IT!!! (note some of the stamping on this, my first ever child stamping all over a LO. I managed to salvage it without redoing it!!! She kept saying pretty mumma pretty ROFL)

Have I told you how much I love Martha......martha martha martha.......get ready to see lots of her punches. I LOVE THEM and now spotlight has them!!! YAHOO no more buying in the states & having my poor SIL chasing around trying to get them for me!!!

And just one more scraplift. I love this girl she is amazing, don't know her but Love her scrapping!!

Have a great week.
Me xxx

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Conversations with a Three Yr Old....

so we are driving along.......had just been to our local fresh food markets with the livvy girl. She loves wherever I go......most times she is a Daddys girl but at the moment she is stuck to me like glue!!! So we go down just to pick up a couple of things. She is chatting away and says
'mum banana'
'do you want a banana?? where are your manners?? (of course)
'banana please Mum??
'well I can't stop at the moment liv, Mumma is driving??'
'Mum dop' (which is stop in her language)
once again 'I cannot stop the car while I am driving!!!'
Well Mumma Derek stopped!!! (much chagrin & accusing in her voice)
I am like who??? so I said 'what???'
She says 'Derek stopped for Genieveve, he pulled his horse over and stopped!!!'
Ha there you go Mum whats such a big deal pulling over a car and getting her a banana???!!

Me xxx

Saturday, August 8, 2009


WOW a new store has opened and this girl is on the DT. This is my take on this challenge of the 'Fetch a Sketch'. Very KEWL store (with UNREAL products), great forum and great girls!!!!


Me xxx


Not many people know but I used to be a BIG reader. I love to curl up in a corner and just escape with a good book. I used to feel that this was kind of lazy and didn't really want to express just how good it made me feel and how much of a break it was. I really want the girls to enjoy this too. Well after a long break (at least 4 years) I am finally reading again. It got kickstarted with the Twilight series (no I am not going into a conversation with this topic, I read it, I like it, that's that!!) about 8 months ago. Here is what I am reading now......I must admit not light, but challenging, interesting & worth it, all the same.
What are you reading at the moment???

Me xxx

PS am having to reread the potty training book as Liv is turning out to be quite challenging with this subject!! Mmmmm the other girls were easy peasy!! Funny how they are all very different isn't it. Not one formula works for all!!

Pictures of You.......

we miss you Baboo. Love you.

M xxx

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My home sweet home......

that's what you are......happy birthday my beautiful husband. So many other things I could say but too little time. Have a great one, you deserve it.

Some pictures of your idea of a perfect birthday. Instead of a romantic getaway this is what he wanted to do!!!

That's it because blogger has decided to be SUPER slow and I just want to post this post!! Be back to share soon.

Me xxx

Monday, August 3, 2009

She is always Dancing............

She is such an amazing mix of girly girl but tomboy. I wasn't a real girly girl while I was growing up so it has been quite fascinating for me to watch her. A perfect photo of her would be a tulle skirt with gumboots!!! She loves to dance and wear skirts and yet is just as happy hanging with Daddy fishing or surfing. I hope she will always maintain that healthy mix and know that no matter what she decides to do we will be behind her.

We have just started her back at ballet!! It was a decision that was probably a long time coming. For me I didn't want to be running here there and everywhere after 3 girls. Our family time is guarded quite preciously and along with outer activities & tv everything is in moderation. She does however have a natural talent for it and after months of asking we enrolled her in both jazz and ballet. She is soooo happy. I wait for her and every time she dances she says Mum I could dance every afternoon. that won't be happening but for the moment I am pleased she is doing something she loves, it doesn't interfere with our family stuff and it isn't too expensive (not yet anyway)!!! LOL

May she always dance like no one is watching.

Me xxx

PS yes this photo was taken in the middle of winter on the Gold Coast!!! We didn't know she had worn her swimmers under her tracksuit,yes tracksuit, and ripped it off when the water became too tempting!!! Thanks Daddy.
PPS And yes looking at these photos I think Anthony will be buying a very big gun for her teenage years!!!