so as always it has been super busy around here. The girls are sick again which is frustrating but that's ok as long as they are ok for christmas. It is kind of nice, I like hanging at home so now I have the perfect excuse!! So here is a bit of stuff to share!! This time of year is always busy for us, for some reason we suddenly have a social life!! LOL. It is also at this time that I really miss my bro and his wife (who I love even if she wasn't my SIL) & their kids. I cannot wait to see them next year.
We started with our annual christmas party with Ruth & Kim & the clan on Sat......

Then lunch with the Reids on Sunday......

Been hanging with this girl, so happy to have her home.....

then we had a mini christmas party with Nat, Tola & Ruth, but of course silly me didn't take any photos, I was too busy. There was some beautiful food happening too!! LOL.
Then we have been shopping, cleaning, working, enjoying time with the girls including surfing, card playing, swimming & riding. Hence all the photos are sort of the same so new ones here!!
Caught up with Nate (the girls cousin), as it was his birthday, they are sooo cute together. It has always been a desire of mine to have one big happy family, sometimes I wish I had a magic wand, seriously!! This year we are going to have a family christmas, it hasn't happened in a while. It is kind of bittersweet. Most of the family is coming some not, but the girls & I are excited anyway. I know in my heart that I have tried and am trying. I realise that I cannot control anyone or any situation. I trust that God knows what He is doing & I will leave it up to Him. It is just a desire that has never gone away. I have always tried to bring people together & have everything perfect. Mmmmmm not a perfect world but you know not half bad either. It's awesome.

Then we celebrated Mum's birthday.......

with home made ice cream cake after Indian.......yummo (yes I made it)

So I really have to blog more often as I forget everything that is going on here. Sorry if it has been a bit boring. Will leave you with one of my favourite pages.....

Be back soon.
Me xx