Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday in the Park.........

what a beautiful day to be outside today. We went to church & then met our lovely friends down at Burleigh Park. Although it was a bit windy & chilly, the sun was out and the kids had their scooters & a great park. We got fish & chips and pizza & just totally relaxed in the sun. We really enjoy hanging out with these guys, (although we don't do it often enough with the boys schedules for work), as they are just so easy to be with. We all have a lot in common & the kids really play well & like each other. I feel very blessed to have met them. Here is a photo of us. We didn't get any of the kids, I left my camera in the car & Sheree had her little snap happy. Sometimes it is just nice to enjoy the moment than trying to get photos of everything. Plus Sheree & I got to go to the local markets that were on that day while the boys minded all the kids. YAHOO. There was a lot of beautiful handmade stuff & we had a ball.

Then something terrible happened!!! (yes we were watching them) but all the kids were on this equipment called the roly poly & then Ayden started yelling about Georgia.........her hair had got caught in the ball bearing of the thing that turned the cup around. My heart was in my mouth expecting that I would have blood & half her scalp hanging off. Praying I went over to her & luckily enough she had just ripped a whole heap of hair out, no blood. She now has a bald patch at the top of her head, poor little thing, but she learnt a hard lesson that when mummy says to put her hair up, next time she will. (I had enough hair to fill a clip lock back so you can imagine how much it was). She sooo didn't want to go to school but we were able to put her hair on the side and cover it up. I do have photos but I decided that I didn't want to embarass her, I will keep those to show her. Needless to say she was very brave & I am so thankful that she didn't have a major injury. All in all despite this we had an awesome day & can't wait to do it again (without the near scalping of course).

Happy Sunday.

Me xx


Sheree said...

It really was such a lovely day wasn't it? We all had such a great day...until poor Georgia's accident. OMG Mel it was so aweful...poor little sweetheart...I hope it all grows back quickly!

Sheree xx
ps. We'll have to do it again soon (this time with her hair up for sure!)

Karen said...

Poor Georgia...Could have been worse though hey? And probably better now than when she's 16 and she'd want to miss school for a month!