Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Funky Thursday......

So feeling a bit in a funk today, home wise, scrapping wise, life wise. We have been so busy, (I hate saying that but I am afraid it is the truth) and I feel like crawling into bed for a week. The girls are a bit sick, so we have a couple quiet days. Am quite happy they are getting it now, we have dodged it for awhile, as I really don't want them sick when we travel. So ideas anyone on  - What do you do when you have a funk?? What do you do when you need some inspiration/motivation??

Happy Thursday.
Me xxx


Sheree said...

I hear you!!! I think you need to visit a friend & have a scrap day together. ;)


Unknown said...

Ah yes, scrapping with a friend always helps.
Mmmm... not sure babes, different things work for me, a run, a bath, a cuppa and a magazine.
Hope you feel better soon.

Brittany said...

I come down to your house hahaha! xx

Karen said...

Turn the radio on real loud to some crazy song and do whatever will bring the strangest looks on their face, play a game with whoever will play with me....or my other option, lock them outside until I have a long enough quiet time to funk out :)