Saturday, May 30, 2009

Had all good intentions.......

to keep this blog updated. Was going really well till my camera decided to up & die. Final story is it will cost too much to fix it, so I need a new camera. ): Anyway photos on my iphone just really aren't up to scratch but will have to do until we update it. I have been thinking of going to Canon (as everybody else has) but I think I am just a Nikon girl. I love them. So the search begins.....

This week Georgie had under 8's creative week & she had to bring home Fred for the weekend. Here she is, we had to take him everywhere......also Lucia had Old McDonald Farm come & visit & they both had a really full week at school (no photos as I wasn't there sorry.)

Also we will be saying goodbye to this beautiful girl soon. I will be crying buckets of tears as I will miss her terribly, but I am so proud of her & know she will do great. Mmmm Monday nights will be quite lonely scrapping & watching tv on my own!!Here is a photo of her with the girls when we took them to the Sound of Music musical. They were so good, it was little long but they didn't complain except once to ask for food!!!!

I have been doing a bit of sewing. Went to beautiful Sheree's during the week (a break from the sickness infested household) & attempted to sew. She of course finished her frilly dilly bag, & I attempted to. It is still sitting in a heap in my scrap room. I will get to it. I did however sew a beanbag. It is VERY cool. I now have to make another two!! The girls love them. It was really easy & I had so much fun. It was nice respite from dealing with sick kids & a sick me!!!

I have also been a bit naughty lately purchasing some is a little photo of some of my goodness......I cannot wait to actually start using some of it.....I also got some collections including girl friday, October Afternoon, & some others, it is still in transit from the USA though......

Also during the week this beautiful girl sent me this for my birthday. Isn't she just generous & lovely. My life is so enriched having her back in it & her birthday was this week, so a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU gorgeous girl. Also the REVA June kit is up so go check it out!!!

And I had to share this photo from my sis blog...... you can read all about their life is Quaid cute, miss you buddy.

I think this post has been long enough, happy Saturday everyone, hope to be back soon. Me xxx

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Little Bit of Dinner & a little bit of Trekkie.....

I can't say I was a super Trek freak, I used to watch it, but I was more a Battlestart Gallactica Girl. Having a brother meant I watched some cool stuff!!! Anyway last night we went here for a yummy dinner for a friends birthday & then went & saw this. It was GREAT. I have always thought they needed to keep it going & update it for younger fans & with the Lost director doing it, it would have to be good........RIGHT??!! Anyway it was entertaining & now has probably started a whole new generation of Trek fans, me included.

Not much else to tell, tonight I am taking the girls to their school musical. They are doing the Sound of Music.

Should be fun & we have heard rave reviews. Will have to post some photos, but over the next week or so it will be Iphone photos, as my camera is still broken. Hope you are having a great Saturday. Me xxx

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Well we are better...........

but now my other baby is sick!!! Oh no there will be no photos for a little while, while she goes to get fixed!!! arrrrgggghhh sooo frustrating. They think the shutter has failed. Mmmmm so some boring posts coming your way!!!

On a lighter note, we did go here for some family photos, much to Anthony's disgust, with comments like "that's what I bought you an expensive & great camera & tripod for??" "You can take our own family photos!!" "these people charge a fortune & I have to actually smile!!" so I dragged him along kicking & screaming for a stressful photo shoot, but can't wait to see them I am sure they will be fantastic. Don't think Anthony's hip pocket will be happy but thanks to some really nice friends we had a free session & we have credit for photos!!! Gotta love that.

Happy Thursday. Me xxxx

Saturday, May 16, 2009

An Update...........its a long one........

well it had hit our place & of course I wasn't sick. I don't get sick very often then Thursday, it hit me. Yep sick as & have now lost my voice, now this is the bigger tragedy!!! The last two times I have been sick I had car accidents. Perfect record for 16 years then bang.......once when we got our new Subaru (WRX) nonetheless & 4 days old (3 years ago) then another 12 months ago in Ant's truck. Both times I was quite sick & was saying to myself it was idiocy to go out, but with kids when you need milk you need milk. Hence no car accidents, just NO VOICE. So before then I was cleaning up my scrap desk (which since then has become my own room) yes I now have my own space with two tables!!! Can you believe it. After I got over my feelings of selfishness etc of putting all the girls in the same room, I am actually really enjoying it. The laptop has a place in there & Ant just comes in & chats to me, plus my guitars are now out so I have easier access!!! It is just really nice. Mmmmm maybe I will pressure myself to start outputting some stuff!!!??
So here are before & after photos........

since these photos I now have my sewing machine & as I said Ant has put his laptop in there (which I am secretly hoping will become mine soon) *grin*
we moved the table out from the pergola into here as in winter we don't eat so much outside near the pool but rather inside, so thought I would make use of it. I also have space if someone (namely Britt) wants to come scrap we can!!! The girls are loving their room & after a week or two they have settled down & we don't have a riot before we go to bed with giggles, talking & roll on the floor laughing. They are sooo funny.

I had an awesome Mothers Day & although Ant was on night shift I was on strict instructions to just relax. We had our family McBrewins (as Georgie calls them) our own healthy version of McDonalds Muffins, coffee, oj & all the trimmings. The girls were so beautiful wanting to spoil Mummy. They had a stall at school & the girls both had +$5 to spend (this is what the school worked out)it was so delightful to see what they picked. Georgie got me scented candles & made cards & a keyring, Lucia picked me a beautiful necklace (with jewels of course) & made me a fridge magnet. It was so beautiful, I was quite teary that they had gone to so much effort.

then Ant couldn't let it go by without a present so he got me this....

I felt really spoilt. Also Ant went on his first field trip with Georgie & her class to visit the Dinosaur Museum in Brisbane. The teachers were so excited that a father was coming (must be unusual), I was very happy that he takes the time to spend with the girls (plus it was his turn anyway *grin*) here is a couple of photos, not great but hey at least he took some right???

Georgie with her little friend Jenna. She is a lovely girl & I am glad as this year she got separated from all her friends into the other class. She is so social though it didn't seem to bother her. They had a great day & this post has become mammoth so be back soon with some more catchups. Me xxx

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Dreaded Lurgy.........

has hit our place for the past week, so no blogging.........sorry. Be back soon. Me xx

Sunday, May 10, 2009


that is what happened, irrevocably & totally when these three entered my world.
Some days I totally blow it & berate myself, feel guilty & wonder what I was thinking when I thought I could raise another little human. I have worried, cried, laughed & just been totally in awe of these little beings. It has made me appreciate my own Mum, the struggles she must have faced raising us. I had strong ideas on what I want to do & not want to do with them, but realise as each day passes that you can only do the best you can each day, pray for them with all your might & love them like there is no tomorrow!!! We do not know tomorrow & as the Word says "Do not worry about tomorrow as today has enough troubles of its own!!!" & so I realise that I must trust God & His plans for us.

With that in mind I pray over them nightly, daily & try to be the best Mum I can be, sometimes doing ok sometimes not. And although it is sometimes the hardest job in the world with not much thanks, I know it will all be worth it!! Love you. Mama xxx