my baby. I cannot believe it. I am sad yet happy for her being here & growing & healthy, sad as I cannot believe how fast it has gone. She is such a delight & truly makes our lives so interesting, noisy & fun.
She sings (Jesus) songs as loud as she possibly can
She loves Ariel & Belle
She loves Daddy, he is her favourite of all.
She is very affectionate
She loves her sisters even though they annoy her & she tells them off.
She is loud, bossy, confident & is constantly on the go (she cannot sit still)
She loves to dance & sing,
like constantly. She is always wanting a dress on.
She totally knows what she wants like 99% of the time & is constantly telling me
she do it herselfShe loves Roxy (she is her baby & she calls her rocky)
She loves milk (in a bottle as I don't have the heart yet to take it off her)
She is talking much more than she has before
She loves the park & the beach & she is very tactile. Loves touching stuff & having it everywhere.
She calls for me saying
Mama where is you???She speaks so cute, all words mixed up & with letters off the words
She loves fish & chips, not big on sweets
She doesn't put on a weight, she is a little string bean
She is already wearing shoes that Lulu only grew out of last year & they are 2 years apart (poor baby she is going to be tall)
I have been told she is the spitten image of me & has my personality (poor kid)
so many other things I could list.......but most of all
Happy birthday our sweet princess, we are so blessed to have you in our lives.
Love Mama xxx