Saturday, May 31, 2008

My BABY is 2 Tomorrow......

I cannot believe it my baby girl is 2 tomorrow!! where has that time gone.....this precious, feisty, strong & very vocal little princess totally changed our lives. She is a delight & I can't wait to see her face when she sees what we have for her tomorrow. She absolutely loves Barney (which is next to impossible to find here) & so Mum found her this big stuffed Barney. She will be happy. Check here for photos.
I have been a bit slack with blogging, have had a HUGE week. Little Lulu has been in hospital, the other two fighting off flus. Not a healthly household this week. Am excited for my girl tomorrow. I love you my gorgeous girl. Mxxx

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weekend Wonders......

I cannot believe another week has gone by......I know it sounds cliched but time just seems to be flying by. We have had a busy couple of weeks not all of it fun, I can say. Ant & the two younger girls have been sick with some chesty cough thing (always fun when you are travelling & then the previous D&V thing), but on the diet note (actually don't know whether I have blogged about this, but Olivia has had allergy problems since she was born,it has been quite a challenge)she is doing much better now that I have taken her off all wheat products!! It is amazing what has wheat flour or wheat glucose in it!!! I find myself looking at all the back of things to check out what is in them!!! :)
I have tried to have a quiet week this week & let the girls get over their coughs. I know I didn't blog about Mothers Day but it was a beautiful day. Georgie & Lulu made me & bought me a whole heap of beautiful presents & I was very blessed. Anthony was working but we had a great lunch with Mum & Doris (our lovely next door neighbour), might post some photos later! :)
We also went & saw Ant's mum out in the bush & it was really nice just to BE. No phone, no distractions, just peace & quiet!! Here is some photos from there. The girls love seeing their other Nana & alway provide heaps of entertainment. They played the piano, gathered wood for fire & just relaxed. They can also be terribly noisy & there is nobody around to hear or complain! LOL
We ate bacon & eggs every morning & drank beautiful Italian was BLISS!!!

There has been lots of things happening as always.....will have to do another post real soon. I can't seem to keep up!!! Sorry sweets!!! Next post will put up some photos of new LO's, I am finally getting faster & doing more than 1 LO at a sitting (I am finally breaking out of my anal, perfectionist type scrapbooking).....Yippee. I am a bit into the OTP at the moment & trying to do quite a few books to document our trips. I took just the basic essentials with us (I don't do this very well, but this time did ok)& started a book out on the farm. It was so funny I had cardboard to cut out but wasn't sure of what shape & so found this old frame of Mum's & just traced around it. Great thing about scrappers we are very adept at changing things to suit our craft!! LOL :)I have decided that I spend way too much time reading blogs & surfing web pages (this was accentuated when we had no computers or email out there) them all!!! but am going to try & be a little more like I used to be & maximise my spare time. Will keep you updated on that one :).
By the way it is Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal this week-end. They do a fantastic job, so support them!! Love 2 U. Mxxx

Monday, May 19, 2008

Back in the Groove.........sort of

Well we are back in the land of technology.....update on Beryl, she is doing better, but still needs lots of prayer!!! Have been doing some LO's but don't seem to ever have the time to completely finish everything I have started!!!!! Does anyone else feel like that?? I have always been this purposeful, know where I am going, what I am doing kinda girl, but I have been in procrastination land!!!! HELP!!! Anyway lovelies hope your week is a great one (definately better than mine started off) Ghandi would say
"Be the Change you want to see in the World" or more recently Addison off Greys Anatomy (love that show). By the way Anthony puts up with it but doesn't really like it & says the medical content in it is bodgy, but I just sit back on a Sunday night & watch this followed by Brothers & Sisters!!! It is my RELAX time!! The only thing that makes it better is if I scrap while watching it!!!!! All part of my everyday story! Mxx

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pray & Away

Please pray for my girlfriends mum Beryl who is in a coma in Brisbane hospital. She was in a car accident & has had serious injuries. Please pray for healing for her & for safe travel for Sheree & her family from China!!!! Sheree am praying for you & family honey.

Also we are praying for all the families that have been devastated in China. Thank God no-one we know has been hurt, but our prayers go out to those who are there.

We will be away for the next couple of days & won't be near service...
God Bless. Out Mxx

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Some LO's ..........

Just a couple of things I have been loving all the product & have to be careful not to go crazy!!!!! Oh to only have an endless supply of cashola!!!! I finally did a me page, cannot believe it.... I am challenged by Ali (go here) to tell a story not just scrapbook. She has some new stuff on her website, go check it out, she is so inspiring.....Oh to meet that lady!!! Happy Thursday lovelies.....Mxxx

Monday, May 5, 2008


This last year has been an extremely interesting year.....lots of things have happened & have helped me to reassess who I am....where I am going.....what I am doing?? I have always thought that I trusted God & all His plans for me, but over the last year there have been lots of questions, some of them answered some not!!
I am constantly reminded that this is a journey, we can only take each day as it comes, we cannot have too high expectations of ourselves or other people, people will hurt & disappoint us (I know that I have hurt & disappointed people, but not with that intent), but we should love them anyway (cause we aren't perfect), to appreciate & not forget the little things & to dedicate each day to God!! That has been hard, being hurt & losing friendships, sometimes I think I won't get over it, then I know that God's grace is sufficient for each day, just take each day!! A lot of times I think it might be an issue with pride & me not being able to let go!!! Scary. I know that I will look back on this time as a real learning experience that has built my character!! I am realizing that I am blessed beyond comprehension & that the little things are so important and other things not so important. Those things that are important to me are not necessarily important to someone else. Listening to the people in your life (especially your little people) & making the most of the precious time with them.

I have sometimes felt like there is something wrong with me......LOL.....thought patterns, things from childhood that shape the way we are as adults......and not wanting those things to be something that my girls have to deal with. To instruct them differently....

This verse today has been mine for the last 4 months......Isaiah 26.3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because He trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal.Even when you feel like everything is out of your control, He knows & all you have to do is trust Him & peace will come. Steadfast on the things of God. Amen
Love ya Mxxx

Marvellous Maya

Here is a mosaic of the layouts done for my design team at Maya Memories. Go HERE and check out what is there, it is great!
Happy Monday sweets. Mxx
PS it is a public holiday up here so nice relaxing day in order!!! By the way I am a bit computer illiterate so I haven't got all this stuff down yet....there are 3 other LO just not sure why they aren't showing up!!!

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