Friday, February 29, 2008
On Holidays.......
Just a quick post, will be away for a week in glorious Moreton Island.......please don't be jealous.......will catch you all up on the happenings in our world when I get the way congratulations to my gorgeous friend Bek on her marriage.........way to go Mxx
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Oops A Bit Late - Valentines

......Mmm yes a bit late, but isn't this the cutest!!! Georgia is so creative.......she loves doing craft & I can see it will be a challenge when she is older that she isn't stealing all my craft stuff.....I absolutely love it, she is so confident & secure in who she is..... this took me until 35!!! Here is a photo of the gorgeous card she made me and also a mini book that she made about 2 weeks ago. You do not realise how much they take in, I have been talking scrap talk for the last couple of weeks, anyway lo and behold, I go in the kitchen - "what are you doing George"........"I am making a mini book and then teaching people how to make it!!" what a cutie. So talented.
It really makes you think of the simple things. We can get so caught up in our lives and forgot how truly blessed we are..........when we are complaining about the weather, there are people all over the world fighting for survival. My heart cries out (I deplore injustice) for those mothers who cannot feed their babies and live in constant fear......I am surrounded by pictures of beauty & yet somewhere in our world there is despair & is in these times that I know I cannot sit idly by and not do anything, I cannot live a self absorbed life, wanting more, expecting more......I want to give in this life, I want to make a difference, I want Jesus's name to be famous not my own......I want my girls to realise that they are privileged, that they are loved & to always look outward rather than not be influenced by our modern day babylon of self absorption, materialism & greed..........I want them to live,laugh and love......
Thursday, February 21, 2008
She Has Attitude......

This is our youngest Olivia, I still cannot believe she is 20 months, where has that time gone. I have been quite clucky (crazy me) so am looking forward to one of my girlfriends having a baby.....(seeing that Sheree had to move to China) I love the smell, the chubby fingers & toes & basically everything of a newborn (except of course the sleepless nights). So anyway she is quite a strong, determined little thing & definately knows what she wants, this can be quite challenging sometimes, but I gather that God has thought I was strong enough to shape this little one. Here she is in Daddy's garage & she is actually clean (which is like a miracle) holding this little elmo that is very annoying!!! She loves it. I am definately challenged to finish these little treasures albums & try & catch up on my scrapping!! I have so much to do & I keep getting sidetracked by all this new product - NO mel you don't need it. I just can't seem to help it, it all looks UNREAL. K & co have some beautiful new stuff out especially if you have a girl, check it out & all the other stuff from CHA. Oh what a dream to go to one of those conferences. Anyway I will leave you with this gorgeous photo of her that sums up her personality.
My words for the day from Beth Moore -
Constantly thinking little of ourselves is still thinking constantly of ourselves.
Be blessed lovelies. Mx
PS 3 of the pages in my stuff were classes (flourish 1 & family) that I did at The Scrapyard with Sandra Cadzow (very talented), I will have more original stuff to show soon.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
When You Are Over The Rain.....

Well pretty much for weeks up here it has been raining........we have gone into the pool a couple of times but kinda freezing......(well for QLD weather anyway) & we can't go to the beach or the park, so this afternoon the girls were drawing & I decided to make chocolate chip cookies, mega choc hey the pink is a bit late for Valentines (but hey I am behind on everything at the moment)......and the cookies were our house they don't last long, so I thought it would be good to take a photo.......I bought the pink stuff on a whim a couple of months ago (it was really cheap) with these gorgeous matching cupcake teacups etc........well I have 3 girls, I have got to get used to Pink.......(mind you with my girls pink is not their favourite colour!) hence was our afternoon.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Technical Difficulties
Well I am experiencing some technical sorry, am not sure if it is the operator........LOL..
It has been a busy week again, so will post again soon, also might actually have some work up to display etc, here's hoping. If you get chance, go onto this amazing blog called OLW - one little word, my gorgeous girlfriend Rebecca put me onto it.......amazing, the word this week is TRUST, why not think about that this week and try to create something with it. The pages on this blogspot are amazing, go have a peek!!!! By the way I have to say congratulations to Rebecca getting published in Creating go girlfriend.......what an artist I am in awe!!!! Anyway lovelies I am bushed have to head, no photos, no more words, sorry all technicalities driving me crazy. I'm out. Love Mx
It has been a busy week again, so will post again soon, also might actually have some work up to display etc, here's hoping. If you get chance, go onto this amazing blog called OLW - one little word, my gorgeous girlfriend Rebecca put me onto it.......amazing, the word this week is TRUST, why not think about that this week and try to create something with it. The pages on this blogspot are amazing, go have a peek!!!! By the way I have to say congratulations to Rebecca getting published in Creating go girlfriend.......what an artist I am in awe!!!! Anyway lovelies I am bushed have to head, no photos, no more words, sorry all technicalities driving me crazy. I'm out. Love Mx
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A Busy Week

This week was also hard in another way, my middle girl started her first day of Kindy. Little Lulu, I was so scared for her, as I was not sure how she would handle it. She is such a cruisey happy little thing and quite happily plays on her own, but loves hanging with mummy & daddy, she has always said she didn't want to go to gool (school), she wanted to stay home, she wasn't a big girl. You can imagine how I was.........I held it together until after I dropped her off and she was happily settled with her little best friend Gracie........"see ya mum" then I lost it. The time seems to go so fast and she just seems so little......anyway she had a great day and loved it wanted to go back the next day.........told the teacher it wasn't dark enough to have a sleep (she was in a comatose position when I picked her up, took me 10 mins to wake her up) and she was fine to put on her pants herself (they were on back to front). She is such a gorgeous little thing, I will miss her terribly for that day each week. At least I still have one baby still at home......
Anyway must be off, I need to go & actually do some creative work as well as my normal job of housework...... I will leave you with a photo of Lulu, she finally has enough hair to put in ponytails, much to her delight!!!!! Love ya & make someones day this week!! Remember it is better to give than to recieve. M xx
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
My Space
Well this is usually a no go zone, but I was so excited that I needed to share. Now for all those people who know me and can appreciate scrapbooking but aren't into it, probably won't understand........but when I sit in front of this table I am in BLISS..........
It all started when DD (Dearest Dad) came up for holidays, we all decided that the kitchen table just wasn't ok, and as we didn't have plans to move soon, I really needed some space. So DD and DH got together, DD built this awesome table (which I said he should paton) and then off to Ikea we went & had a blast buying all this cool storage stuff. It was supposed to be kitchen stuff but you know Ikea, you can use it almost anywhere, easy to assemble & reasonable prices I also came up with this cool idea of a curtain thing they had to hang all this stuff on it, isnt' it the coolest .......when I get home I realised though, that I have a serious obsession with scrap stuff.......still have enough storage for more (yes very sad, sad)..........LOL
Anyway short post tonight, leave you with one thing to think about.........
Life is a gift..........don't leave it unopened!!!! M x
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Ali E Challenge

Well I decided to take up the Ali challenge of finding a word for myself this year, (I can't remember where I saw it, cannot for the life of me find the article now) .....LOL Anyway I thought long and hard and decided that my word for this year is .......CREATE!!! So off I went and bought the words (thanks goodness for Spotlight) painted them, in between getting dinner and 3 rowdy girls to bed (Daddy is away & they have decided to push every boundary they can!!) & so my 2008 begins with the challenge of taking some photographs with this word.......and then I will do a layout!!!! The decision for me this year is to actually complete some of the projects that I have started & left by the wayside, start some new ones & definately just be Creative........I am letting that inner creation come probably won't be as excited as me, but I look forward to sharing this journey!!!! Now I just have to complete my Me page being totally honest at 35!!?? Scary. Exciting news today will get to hold a new baby next week.....Yippee.........our gorgeous friends Sheree & Daren had a baby girl............Girls Rock!!!!! Now as a fellow scrapper I am sure she will be fully pumped to go get some GIRLY papers........LOL!!!! Well I am pretty tired now so signing off..........remember Hugs have no side effects...........Hug someone today. Love ya M x

You know I have always loved the end of last year I decided to go and make a quilt......I did one class and then christmas came etc got put on the back burner, but it really lit the passion in me that I once had for making things and appreciating colours, textures and fabric. I started a beautiful antique quilt for my Mum (don't worry Mum I will finish it, but might have to do it when all girls at school) LOL.....anyway this is some of the fabric that I bought to start this passion. Isn't it just beautiful. Well then I saw the new CK magazine, lo and behold Elizabeth (CK Scrapbooker of the Year) has done this awesome album using fabric, sort of like a go ahead to do it., she has an amazing blog, go check it out......It bought back so many memories from when I was little of all the things my Mum used to do. She really has always been so creative and crafty!!!! So many times I didn't want to be seen like her, as I was never really confident in who I was!!! I guess I had never really let my creative ME out of it's little box. I am so excited for all the things that I will get to just wanted to share that with you.......Don't let anyone ever put you in a box, be who you are, BECAUSE THE YOU, YOU ARE IS SUPER SPECIAL AND UNIQUE!!!!!!!!! Love Mx
Friday, February 1, 2008
1st day of Prep

anyway here is a photo for you, I think she looks gorgeous!!!! Am out tonight for some time out watching a movie and dinner, I had forgotten what that was like!! Am so excited!!! Go Nana, who is minding the troops while DH is away for 3 days on a bucks week-end.........Apart from tonight I am hoping for some EXTREME catch up scrapping time.....Yippee Mx
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